23 February 2009

Conflux Set Review

Welcome to my first set review for peasant. While I am sure I will write about the older sets somewhere in the future, Conflux is the new kid on the block and deserves my immediate attention! Below I will discuss each card that might seem worthwile to the format as far as I can tell*. So, without further ado...

*PS. If I say "Won't see play" and you play the card to a strong finish, do let me know.

Conflux commons


Court Homonculus
Conflux brought us a rush of worthwile common artifact creatures, and this is one of the best. In any base white artifact deck this will be your Kird Ape of choice as it beats for 2 on turn two!
Verdict: Will see play

Darklit Gargoyle
This is the other artifact you really want to play if you're going Esper in peasant. It attacks for an evasive 3 damage on turn 3, which is already worth it. If you play toughness pump in your deck this will get even larger, enabling you to hit for 5 or more! Sure, it's an artifact and thus very vulnerable, but that didn't stop affinity from being a pain in the ass, did it? And remember, Kataki is not around in peasant ;)
Verdict: Will see play

Gleam of Resistance
White mana fixing, there's a nice card! Still, there's probably better options for that available, like Armillary Sphere, Pentad Prism, Prismatic Lens... No, the main effect has to worth it, and frankly, it isn't. In limited this shines, peasant is way too fast for this.
Verdict: Won't see play

Lapse of Certainty
Memory Lapse is a very strong card, but I feel this is just a tad too expensive. Still, mounting your offenses on the first three turns and then wait with counterbackup seems like a solid plan, so I'm curious where this will go.
Verdict: Might see play

Rhox Meditant
Card drawing is premium in peasant, Skeletal Scrying is one of the best uncommons available. Momentary Blink is also a frequently played card, so at first glance this seems okay, right? Wrong, at 4 mana this is simply too slow with too little power to affect the board. I'ld rather play Mulldrifter, Ninja of the Deep Hours, or even Elvish Visionary for my cards.
Verdict: Won't see play


Brackwater Elemental
I really like this card! Though a one-shot (or actually two-shot) card, a disposable 4/4 is big enough that the only sensible course of action seems chumpblocking or lose a sizable chunk of your life total. You'll need to be playing a token deck to chump block though. I'ld give this a try in an agressive blue deck.
Verdict: Should see play

Faerie Mechanist
Four mana is just too much for a Ponder, even when it has evasion. Trinket Mage already searches up some of the juiciest targets without a margin of error. Still, card advantage is card advantage, and especially hot on cip creatures.
Verdict: Won't see play

Parasitic Strix
This is a very strong card! I just don't know if someone will be able to fit it in a deck somewhere! The combination of decent body, comes into play effect and artifact sounds promising though.
Verdict: Might see play

Traumatic Visions
In constructed I actually like this a lot more than Gleam of Resistance or Fiery Fall, the better tricks in limited. I can see this being played in various control decks, especially if they splash a color.
Verdict: Should see play

Though a great tempo card, Unsummon has long since been surpassed by both Aether Burst and Echoing Truth.
Verdict: Won't see play

Worldly Counsel
Funny thing is I once played a domain deck at a peasant tournament. Extensive testing showed me that you'ld much rather play Impulse and be sure of you cards than play this for 2 on your second turn because you need that third land and find... nothing. Trust me, don't play this.
Verdict: Won't see play


Absorb Vis
I can't see MBC replacing Corrupt or Consume Spirit with this, despite swampcycling being nice with Cabal Coffers.
Verdict: Won't see play

Drag Down
Last Gasp and Diabolic Edict give this card a stiff competition, but if domain ever catches on, this can even deal with Gathan Raiders on steroids!
Verdict: Might see play

Rotting Rats
This is a sweet card if you can abuse it. As long as you plan on using your graveyard or play madness this should get you excited, as you help along your own game plan while messing with your opponent.
Verdict: Should see play

Sedraxis Alchemist
An adorable card, even better than Man-o'-War when "on". The problem is that Man-o'-War is traditionally best in a Momentary Blink deck where you don't have a blue card and a black mana source available on turn three most of the time. I think there's too many hoops to jump through, but who knows?
Verdict: Won't see play

Wretched Banquet
Please welcome the new Innocent Blood. Okay, having your opponent sacrifice his second turn Order of Leitbur is obviously better than seeing this stranded in your hand, but this is a very good card! Should at least replace Ghastly Demise in Psychatog decks if nothing more.
Verdict: Will see play

Yoke of the Damned
This isn't a very remarkable card at first sight, but I'ld like to say that it deals with black creatures at a Terror mana cost. Just be sure you have a sac outlet and you're fine.
Verdict: Might see play


Dark Temper
At first sight this seems really cool, problem is, you'll only be playing this as a foil to protection from black, and the only worthwile creatures with that ability have a toughness of two or less, making Lightning Bolt and/or Chain Lightning a much better choice. If Phantom Centaurs and pro-black creatures
with Armadillo Cloaks start popping up in your metagame you definitely want this is your B/R sideboard though!
Verdict: Might see sideboard play

Fiery Fall
This nearly suffers the same fate as Gleam of Resistance, except that this is actually removal. 5 damage will get rid of almost anything your opponent can throw at you, and if basic landcycling smoothes out your 3+ colors, this might not be the worst card to add.
Verdict: Might see play

Molten Frame
If affinity or Esper is hot in your meta, this has more then enough targets. Cycling makes this maindeck playable as well. Problem is, there are much better sideboard answers available in monored, most notably Shattering Pulse and Smash to Smittereens, so most players will just opt to sideboard against artifact creature decks instead of maindecking this.
Verdict: Won't see play

Quenchable Fire
Blue is played just enough to make this card a liability in your maindeck. Out of the sideboard it can deal a whopping 6 damage for just one card. That's on par with good old Lava Spike (cmc + 2 damage) but in one wholesome package. Also awesome topdecking material.
Verdict: Should see sideboard play

Wandering Goblins
Nice in limited, but a toughness of 3 and a big activation cost sets you up for a very disappointing Lightning Bolt before damage goes on the stack.
Verdict: Won't see play


Ember Weaver
I'm psyched about this card, a 3/3 first strike with reach is well above the curve in R/G beats, and this fits into the vurve perfectly! T1 Mogg Fanatic or Kird Ape, T2 Keldon Marauders or Scab-Clan Maulers, T3 this or Gathan Raiders. Yup, very nice!
Verdict: Will see play

Matca Rioters
This is one of those cards that's hard to judge. It needs the full 5 basics to be worth it, but it is a huge beater if you accomplish that. Then again, domain likes to burn people to death (Exploding Borders, Tribal Flames) and use its creatures to stall (Wall of Roots, Sakura-Tribe Elder) so as to give anti-creature decks as few targets as possible. I'm torn.
Verdict: Might see play

Nacatl Savage
If you're bent on hosing artifacts, a 2/1 that helplesly stares at the Ornithopter + Cranial Plating beatdown isn't going to help you much.
Verdict: Won't see play

Sylvan Bounty
Lifegain is at a premium in peasant magic, if the card can play a secondary role. Aven Riftwatcher and Temple Acolyte are both very solid cards, and my guess is Sylvan Bounty is as well. Not as good as the two white creatures, but fairly decent anyway. Six mana is a lot, but so is 8 life, and each cycled Bounty gets you one land closer to paying for the next copy.
Verdict: Might see play

Wild Leotau
Hello! 4 toughness is the golden spot where Lightning Bolt and Last Gasp can't touch your critter. With a minor drawback for those with a good memory and 5 power for 4 cmc, this is a really solid card. I only wonder if this will win out over Blastoderm in the 4 cmc slot...
Verdict: Might see play


Exploding Borders
Domain decks have posted decent to good results in the past, and this card is Tribal Flames 5-8. You can bet that somebody will try to make domain work again, and this card will be the core of that deck.
Verdict: Will see play

Goblin Outlander
White is a very strong color in peasant, ranging from staple creatures like Aven Riftwatcher to quality removal like Oblivion Ring and Unmake. This card laughs at those prissy attempts to stall the inevitable defeat at your gory hands!
Verdict: Will see play

Might of Alara
Without the shocklands there is no home for this functional reprint. A domain deck won't play this and an aggressive deck can't play this reliably.
Verdict: Won't see play

Nacatl Outlander
This doesn't seem worth it. Blue isn't that heavily played in my meta, and even if it is, it's usually alongside white or black. Guess where the removal is coming from?
Verdict: Won't see play

Scattershot Archer
If Faeries sees a lot of play in your meta, this is a decent sideboard call, otherwise this is a very underwhelming card.
Verdict: Might see sideboard play

Tukatongue Thallid
Two dudes for one mana? Nantuko Husk loves this! While very narrow (a 1/1 doesn't do a lot otherwise), this certainly has a place.
Verdict: Should see play

Valeron Outlander
Llanowar Knight is a legitimate threat in a color combination that might not see enough play in a world where 3/4 of the T8 might contain black cards. Maybe 8 copies of it and three of the best auras in the history of magic (see Asha's Favor) can change this?
Verdict: Might see play

Vedalken Outlander
Protection from red is nice, though not as relevant as pro black and pro white. Also keep in mind that, being an artifact, every other color has numerous ways to kill this. All in all a lot less sexy than Galina's Knight, who also had a more relevant creature type.
Verdict: Won't see play

Zombie Outlander
Green really is the worst color to have protection from, since the guys will just trample over you and the removal comes from other colors.
Verdict: Won't see play


Armillary Sphere
Colorless card advantage in the common slot? Sign me up! This is like Courier's Capsule, except you know what you will get, smooth out your mana, and can play it in any deck. Especially good in Urzatron decks, where you can search both of your colors with colorless mana, might even replace signets in that kind of deck (which are pretty juicy targets for artifact removal).
Verdict: Should see play

Bone Saw
There are a few worhtwile 0-drops in peasant magic, but my guess this isn't going to be one of them. Shuko owns this big time, an equip cost of 0 is way more useful than a casting cost of 0. In short, play Bonesplitter instead.
Verdict: Won't see play

The cantrip is nice, but there are harly any 5-color spells you want to play (those are almost exclusively rare or mythic), and there's better/faster mana fixing available. Armillary Sphere for example, or Pentad Prism.
Verdict: Won't see play

Mana Cylix
Making this a common does not make this a better card. I'm sure I can think of at least 10 cards you should play before you ever touch this.
Verdict: Won't see play


Rupture Spire
This is, hands down, the best multicolor land available in peasant. Thing is, I can't think of a deck that would want to use this to fix its mana. Domain want basic lands, Naya beatdown wants basic lands and, more importantly, a threat on turn 2. For this card to work there has to be a deck that doesn't mind sacrificing its second turn and desperately needs the colored mana. Even Urzatron would rather lay down a Sakura-Tribe Elder, Armillary Sphere or a Signet than this. So, this is probably my boldest prediction, and the one I'ld most like to be proven wrong about.
Verdict: Won't see play

So, there you have it, all wrapped up. Hope you enjoyed it!

What? What about the uncommons you say? But you can only play five of them, how important can they be?

Ah, you're right, those 5 uncommons are all that separates this format from Pauper magic. You need look only once at the decklists viable in both formats to see what a difference those uncommons make. So here, have at it! The list is going to be a good deal shorter though, since your uncommons need to win you games. They should be the stars of your deck, not the support. Hence, the list is not sorted by color.

Conflux Uncommons

Celestial Purge
This is a very, very, very, very good card. It is, however, still a sideboard card, and there are but a few of those that can actually survive being an uncommon. Celestial Purge, sadly, isn't one of them, as it's simply too specific. If you want to remove something from the game, play Oblivion Ring instead!
Verdict: Won't see play

Paragon of the Amesha
This card will win you games if left uncontested. You need all five colors for it to be anything good, but a 5/5 lifelink, flying, first strike is sure to make an impression! If you can't activate it reliably, this is worse than Kitsune Blademaster and Ballyknock Cohort.
Verdict: Might see play

Path to Exile
I played Swords to Plowshares in peasant, and it is still superb, even if it's (nearly) your only uncommon. The merits of Swords versus Path have already been extensively debated on the internet, and they all hold true in peasant as well. Generally speaking, Swords is better in the early game and in controlling decks, whereas Path is better in the late game and in aggressive decks. Guess what goes better together?
Verdict: Might see play

Now this is a threat! Needs to be dealt with fast, or your opponent is dealt with fast! Now if only artifact lands weren't banned in our peasant league...
Verdict: Will see play

Voices from the Void
5 mana discard doesn't cut it in a format where Hymn to Tourach is available at common. As brutal as Mind Sludge and this are, they are simply too slow to see play.
Verdict: Won't see play

Dragonsoul Knight
See Paragon of the Amesha. It lacks the very useful lifelink, but makes up for that by killing your opponent in just three blows. Well worth the cost, but still a little bit fragile at 2/2.
Verdict: Might see play

Hellspark Elemental
This is the uncommon mono red burn has been waiting for! This should replace all Magma Jets, Black Vises, and Genju of the Spires. Try it out!
Verdict: Will see play

Volcanic Fallout
Pyroclasm is one of the few uncommons worth sideboarding, and it just got replaced. Hell on faeries, elves and goblin tokens around the globe.
Verdict: Will see play

Shard Convergence
This is an interesting take on green card advantage. Comparable to Tidings in power, but one mana cheaper, and in the color that can get it out on turn three. Needless to say, Domain is all over this card, as its five-color drops are secured and the quality of its future draws shoots up.
Verdict: Should see play

Spore Burst
This is another contender in domain decks. But my guess is that its not good enough, there are simply better options available for your precious uncommon

Verdict: Won't see play

A very nice card, but U/B usually reserves its unc slots for things like Psychatog, Loxodon Warhammer and Fact or Fiction. You know, cards that swing the game a bit more than a card that can perfectly be replaced by a common... No, I meant Counterspell, not Negate.
Verdict: Won't see play

Hellkite Hatchling
If you can devour 2+ creatures, this becomes a very big flyer with the toughness in that golden 4-spot. It's a disaster waiting to happen though, since any Unmakes, Oblivion Rings or Echoing Truths your opponent might be playing will be an immediate 3-for-1, if not worse.
Verdict: Won't see play

Scarland Thrinax
Nice, but we have Carrion Feeder at common. Just in case you readers forgot. Nice try though.
Verdict: Won't see play.

Shambling Remains
This is competing directly with Ashenmoor Gouger for the uncommon slot in Machine Head decks. Depending on the number of Keldon Marauders and Lightning Bolts in your meta, either one might win out. Unearth is a great ability, but it remains (ha ha ha) to be seen if it is as good as that golden 4-spot.
Verdict: Might see play

And that really is the end of it. This time I really hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day and good luck at your next peasant tournament!


19 February 2009

Results January 30, 2009

19 participants this time, nice! MBC failed to prolong the top spot as numerous deck prayed on the anticipated field of ponderous control decks. It's been a while, but Psychatog finally reared its ugly head again and took first place. WB Discard and Momentary Blink decks remain contenders for the T8, but be sure to check out the decklists for Blightning Beatdown and Rack'em Up too.


1. Eric Sander Kwebeman (13 - Psychatog)
2. Rob de Jonge (12 - Blightning Beatdown)
3. Niels Gramser (12 - Rack'em Up)
4. Oswin ten Brinke (12 - WB Discard)
5. Jan Kotlarski (9 - Tortured Existence)
6. Gijsbert Haaksman (9 - Blink Riders)
7. Siebe van der Veer (9 - MBC)
8. Maarten Jacobs (9 - Rack'em Up)


Erik Sander Kwebeman - Psychatog
1st place (13 points)

3 Psychatog (U)

4 Brainstorm
4 Force Spike
1 Defy Gravity
3 Ghastly Demise
3 Mental Note
4 Accumulated Knowledge
4 Counterspell
4 Diabolic Edict
3 Mana Leak
1 Deep Analysis
2 Fact or Fiction (U)
3 Gush

2 Dimir Aqueduct
10 Island
5 Swamp
4 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 4 Duress
SB: 4 Hydroblast
SB: 3 Echoing Truth
SB: 4 Mesmeric Fiend

Rob de Jonge - Blightning Beatdown
2nd place (12 points)

4 Mogg Fanatic
4 Keldon Marauders
2 Mogg Flunkies
2 Ravenous Rats
4 Ashenmoor Gouger (U)
1 Hypnotic Specter (U)

4 Duress
4 Lightning bolt
4 Unearth
4 Terminate
4 Blightning
2 Fireblast

10 Mountain
11 Swamp

SB: 4 Red Elemental Blast
SB: 1 Hymn to Tourach
SB: 4 Nausea
SB: 3 Fearie Macabre
SB: 3 Smash

Niels Gramser - Rack'em Up
3rd place (12 points)

3 Crypt Rats
4 Trinket Mage
1 Blizzard Specter (U)

1 AEther Spellbomb
4 Raven's Crime
4 The Rack (U)
4 Accumulated Knowledge
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Wrench Mind
1 Oona's Grace
4 Recoil

8 Island
14 Swamp
4 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 1 Tormods Crypt
SB: 4 Hydroblast
SB: 2 Relic of the Progenitus
SB: 2 Tanglebloom
SB: 4 Nausea
SB: 2 Deep Analysis

Oswin ten Brinke - WB Discard
4th place (12 points)

2 Kami of the Ancient Law
2 Ronom Unicorn
4 Aven Riftwatcher
3 Faerie Macabre
1 Kitchen Finks (U)
3 Shrieking Grotesque
4 Guardian of the Guildpact
3 Okiba-Gang Shinobi

4 Bonesplitter
3 Swords to Plowshares (U)
4 Unearth
1 Demonic Tutor (U)
3 Unmake

2 Barren Moor
10 Plains
8 Swamp
3 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 3 Duress
SB: 2 Circle of Protection: Black
SB: 2 Circle of Protection: Red
SB: 3 Disenchant
SB: 2 Echoing Decay
SB: 3 Nausea

Jan Kotlarski - Tortured Existence
5th place (9 points)

2 Elvish Skysweeper
3 Spore Frog
3 Elvish Visionary
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
3 Crypt Rats
1 Eternal Witness (U)
4 Golgari Brownscale
4 Stinkweed Imp
2 Grave Scrabbler
1 Battlefield Scrounger
2 Krosan Tusker

4 Tortured Existence
1 Demonic Tutor (U)
3 Sylvan Library (U)

9 Forest
10 Swamp
4 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 4 Duress
SB: 1 Elvish Hexhunter
SB: 1 Scavenger Folk
SB: 4 Hymn to Tourach
SB: 3 Faerie Macabre
SB: 2 Nantuko Vigilante

Gijsbert Haaksman - Blink Riders
6th place (9 points)

4 Temple Acolyte
4 Auramancer
4 Aven Riftwatcher
4 Avalanche Riders (U)
4 Mulldrifter
3 Aethersnipe

2 Seal of Fire
4 Angelic Renewal
2 Call to Heel
4 Momentary Blink
2 Seal of Cleansing

6 Island
6 Mountain
7 Plains
4 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 3 Blue Elemental Blast
SB: 1 Pyroblast
SB: 3 Red Elemental Blast
SB: 3 Relic of the Progenitus
SB: 4 Echoing Truth
SB: 1 Seal of Cleansing

Siebe van der Veer - MBC
7th place (9 points)

4 Crypt Rats

4 Duress
4 Innocent Blood
2 Skeletal Scrying (U)
4 Consume Spirit
2 Demonic Tutor (U)
4 Diabolic Edict
4 Hymn to Tourach
1 Evincar's Justice
3 Tendrils of Corruption
4 Corrupt

1 Cabal Coffers (U)
23 Swamp

SB: 4 Tanglebloom
SB: 3 Sinkhole
SB: 3 Wrench Mind
SB: 1 Brush With Death
SB: 4 Pewter Golem

Maarten Jacobs - Rack'em Up
8th place (9 points)

3 Crypt Rats
2 Stinkweed Imp
4 Trinket Mage
1 Blizzard Specter (U)

1 AEther Spellbomb
4 Raven's Crime
4 The Rack (U)
4 Accumulated Knowledge
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Wrench Mind
1 Oona's Grace
4 Recoil

1 Dimir Aqueduct
7 Island
13 Swamp
3 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 1 Relic of the Progenitus
SB: 4 Tanglebloom
SB: 3 Echoing Truth
SB: 4 Nausea
SB: 1 Crypt Rats
SB: 2 Stinkweed Imp

Results December 19, 2008

With 18 participants, competition was pretty stiff. The MBC deck that took two places in the November T8 took 1st and 2nd place, cementing it's role as a tier 1 deck.


1. Siebe van der Veer (15 - MBC)
2. Maarten Jacobs (12 - MBC)
3. Gijsbert Haaksman (11 - Aura Blink)
4. Martijn Hennink (9 - Life Rack)
5. Martijn Labohm (9 - Cloak Zoo)
6. Anne Cnossen (9 - Faeries)
7. Allard van der Made (9 - Elfball)
8. Oswin ten Brinke (9 - WB Discard)


Siebe van der Veer - MBC
1st place (15 points)

4 Crypt Rats

4 Duress
2 Skeletal Scrying (U)
4 Innocent Blood
4 Consume Spirit
2 Demonic Tutor (U)
4 Diabolic Edict
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Tendrils of Corruption
4 Corrupt

1 Cabal Coffers (U)
23 Swamp

SB: 3 Tanglebloom
SB: 2 Nausea
SB: 3 Sinkhole
SB: 3 Wrench Mind
SB: 4 Pewter Golem

Maarten Jacobs - MBC
2nd place (12 points)

4 Crypt Rats

4 Innocent Blood
2 Skeletal Scrying (U)
4 Consume Spirit
2 Demonic Tutor (U)
4 Diabolic Edict
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Unmake
1 Evincar's Justice
2 Tendrils of Corruption
4 Corrupt

1 Cabal Coffers (U)
24 Swamp

SB: 4 Duress
SB: 3 Relic of Progenitus
SB: 4 Tanglebloom
SB: 4 Mesmeric Fiend

Gijsbert Haaksman - Aura Blink
3rd place (11 points)

2 Martyr of Sands
3 Errant Ephemeron
4 Safehold Elite
4 Temple Acolyte
4 Aven Riftwatcher
4 Auramancer

4 Enlightened Tutor (U)
1 Feldon's Cane
4 Angelic Renewal
4 Momentary Blink
1 Rune of Protection: Black
1 Rune of Protection: Red
1 Seal of Cleansing
1 Engineered Plague (U)
1 Oblivion Ring

2 Island
13 Plains
2 Swamp
4 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 1 Relic of Progenitus
SB: 1 Circle of Protection: Black
SB: 1 Circle of Protection: Green
SB: 1 Circle of Protection: Red
SB: 1 Circle of Protection: White
SB: 3 Nausea
SB: 3 Unmake

Martijn Hennink - Life Rack
4th place (9 points)

4 Ravenous Rats
4 Temple Acolyte
4 Aven Riftwatcher
4 Crypt Rats
4 Shrieking Grotesque
3 Okiba-Gang Shinobi

3 Bonesplinter
4 The Rack (U)
3 Unearth
4 Hymn to Tourach

6 Plains
12 Swamp
1 Tainted Field (U)
4 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 4 Circle of Protection: Black
SB: 3 Nausea
SB: 4 Wispmare
SB: 4 Unmake

Martijn Labohm - Cloak Zoo
5th place (9 points)

4 Basking Rootwalla
4 Wild Nacatl
4 River Boa
4 Silhana Ledgewalker
4 Wild Mongrel
4 Guardian of the Guildpact

4 Lightning Bolt
4 Incinerate
2 Kaervek's Torch
4 Armadillo Cloak

5 Forest
7 Mountain
5 Plains
3 Terramorphic Expanse
2 Tranquil Thicket

SB: 3 Pyroblast
SB: 2 Moment's Peace
SB: 2 Pollen Lullaby (U)
SB: 3 Pyroclasm (U)
SB: 3 Oblivion Ring
SB: 2 Penumbra Spider

Anne Cnossen - Faeries
6th place (9 points)

4 Cloud of Faeries
4 Spellstutter Sprite
4 Pestermite
1 Weatherseed Faeries
4 Ninja of the Deep Hours

4 Opt
3 Counterspell
3 Daze
4 Snap
2 Loxodon Warhammer (U)
3 Force of Will (U)
4 Gush

20 Island

SB: 2 Tormod's Crypt
SB: 2 Blue Elemental Blast
SB: 3 Disrupt
SB: 2 Hydroblast
SB: 4 Echoing Truth
SB: 2 Weatherseed Faeries

Allard van der Made - Elfball
place ( points)

4 Birchlore Rangers
4 Fyndhorn Elves
4 Heritage Druid (U)
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Nettle Sentinel
3 Quirion Ranger
1 Wirewood Symbiote (U)
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Priest of Titania

2 Chromatic Star
2 Fireball
2 Kaervek's Torch
4 Land Grant
4 Manamorphose
4 Distant Melody

10 Forest

SB: 1 Island
SB: 1 Mountain
SB: 3 Magnify
SB: 2 Echoing Truth
SB: 3 Arc Lightning
SB: 3 Deep Analysis
SB: 2 Thorn-Thrash Viashino

Oswin ten Brinke - WB Discard
8th place (9 points)

*Decklist not submitted

Results November 28, 2008

This is the first tournament where decklists were gathered with the intent of making the T8 public to create a healthy metagame. This tournament took place several months after the bannings that affected affinity, high tide and tendrils storm, but the dust still hasn't settled.


1. Allard van der Made (15 - Elfball)
2. Martijn Hennink (12 - Blinking Bant)
3. Siebe van der Veer (12 - Vise Burn)
4. Maarten Jacobs (12 - MBC)
5. Gijsbert Haaksman (9- MBC)
5. Arne Haak (9 - RG Madness)
5. Jasper Boelens (9 - RG Storm)
5. Martijn Beljaars (9 - WU Life)
5. Douwe van Noordenburg (9 - Genju Burn)


Allard van der Made - Elfball
1st place (15 points)

4 Birchlore Rangers
4 Fyndhorn Elves
4 Heritage Druid (U)
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Nettle Sentinel
3 Quirion Ranger
1 Wirewood Symbiote (U)
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Priest of Titania

1 Lotus Petal
2 Fireball
2 Kaervek's Torch
4 Land Grant
4 Manamorphose
4 Distant Melody

11 Forest

SB: 2 Forest
SB: 2 Island
SB: 1 Kaervek's Torch
SB: 2 Magnify
SB: 3 Echoing Truth
SB: 2 Deep Analysis
SB: 3 Thorn-Thrash Viashino

Martijn Hennink - Blinking Bant
2nd place (12 points)

4 Elvish Visionary
4 Temple Acolyte
4 Aven Riftwatcher
1 Kitchen Finks (U)
4 Man-o'-War
4 Mulldrifter
4 Errant Ephemeron

4 Momentary Blink
4 Bant Charm (U)
4 Oblivion Ring

4 Bant Panorama
5 Forest
5 Island
6 Plains
3 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 4 Hallow
SB: 3 Relic of Progenitus
SB: 4 Echoing Truth
SB: 4 Wispmare

Siebe van der Veer - Vise Burn
3rd place (12 points)

4 Mogg Fanatic
4 Keldon Marauders

4 Black Vise (U)
3 Chain Lightning
1 Firebolt
4 Lava Spike
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Shard Volley
3 Incinerate
1 Magma Jet (U)
4 Rift Bolt
4 Fireblast

20 Mountain

SB: 4 Martyr of Ashes
SB: 4 Flaring Pain
SB: 3 Guerrilla Tactics
SB: 1 Incinerate
SB: 3 Volcanic Hammer

Maarten Jacobs - MBC
4th place (12 points)

4 Crypt Rats

4 Innocent Blood
3 Skeletal Scrying (U)
4 Consume Spirit
1 Demonic Tutor (U)
4 Diabolic Edict
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Unmake
3 Tendrils of Corruption
4 Corrupt

1 Cabal Coffers (U)
24 Swamp

SB: 4 Duress
SB: 3 Relic of the Progenitus
SB: 4 Tanglebloom
SB: 4 Mesmeric Fiend

Gijsbert Haaksman - MBC
T9 (9 points)

4 Crypt Rats

4 Duress
4 Innocent Blood
2 Skeletal Scrying (U)
2 Consume Spirit
2 Demonic Tutor (U)
4 Diabolic Edict
2 Drain Life
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Tendrils of Corruption
4 Corrupt

1 Cabal Coffers (U)
23 Swamp

SB: 3 Tormods Crypt
SB: 3 Funeral Charm
SB: 3 Echoing Decay
SB: 1 Nausea
SB: 4 Ravenous Rats
SB: 1 Brush With Death

Arne Haak - RG Madness
T9 (9 points)

4 Basking Rootwalla
4 Kird Ape
4 Wild Mongrel
1 Arrogant Wurm (U)
4 Gathan Raiders
2 Reckless Wurm (U)

4 Chain Lightning
3 Lightning Axe
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Rift Bolt
2 Pyroclasm (U)
4 Fiery Temper

10 Forest
12 Mountain

SB: 3 Pyroblast
SB: 2 Red Elemental Blast
SB: 3 Relic of Progenitus
SB: 4 Tremor
SB: 3 Smash to Smithereens

Jasper Boelens - RG Storm
T9 (9 points)

3 Tinder Wall
4 Storm Entity (U)
4 Simian Spirit Guide

4 Lotus Petal
2 Brainstorm
4 Chromatic Star
4 Chromatic Sphere
1 Mystical Tutor (U)
4 Rite of Flame
4 Desperate Ritual
4 Grapeshot
4 Land Grant
4 Manamorphose
4 Seething Song
4 Empty the Warrens

2 Forest
5 Mountain

SB: 3 Lava Dart
SB: 2 Pyroblast
SB: 2 Red Elemental Blast
SB: 4 Flaring Pain
SB: 4 Wrap in Vigor

Martijn Beljaars - WU Life
T9 (9 points)

4 Nomads en-Kor
4 Daru Spiritualist
2 Defiant Falcon
4 Ramosian Lieutenant
4 Aven Riftwatcher
1 Outrider en-Kor (U)
4 Task Force
2 Spirit en-Kor

1 Feldon's Cane
2 Dizzy spell
4 Worthy Cause (U)
4 Arcane Denial
2 Azorius Signet

2 Desert
5 Island
11 Plains
4 Terramorphic Expanse

SB: 4 Hallow
SB: 4 Psychic Purge
SB: 4 Echoing Thruth
SB: 2 Inside Out
SB: 1 Rune of Protection: Red

Douwe van Noordenburg - Genju Burn
T9 (9 points)

3 Martyr of Ashes
4 Mogg Fanatic
4 Keldon Marauders
3 Slith Firewalker (U)

4 Chain Lightning
2 Genju of the Spires (U)
4 Lava Dart
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Incinerate
4 Rift Bolt
3 Fireblast

21 Mountain

SB: 2 Bloodfire Dwarf
SB: 1 Martyr of Ashes
SB: 3 Pyroblast
SB: 3 Flaring Pain
SB: 3 Guerilla Tactics
SB: 3 Smash to Smithereens

Peasant Magic Rules

Magic too expensive? Not at all! Starting at a few bucks, you'll have a deck to compete in a real tournament. Since march 2008, we play Peasant Magic at the end of the month. What is Peasant Magic you ask? Good question, here are the rules we use in Groningen, the Netherlands.

Building your deck follows the normal deck construction rules (i.e. a minimum of 60 cards, exactly 15 sideboard card, no more than 4 of each card, except basic land, etc). There's a catch though, between your deck and your sideboard you are not allowed to play more than 5 uncommons and no rares! Rarity is based on Gatherer information, including the online-only Master's Edition sets. Lowest rarity counts, so if a card has been printed as a common and got reprinted as an uncommon, it still counts as a common for peasant. A few examples: Serendib Efreet is a rare, Mishra's Factory is an uncommon, and Exile is a common (because of Master's Edition I). Click here to open Gatherer.

You may play any card printed in a black or white border, as long as you adhere to the previous rules and the banned list below. This means, for example, that you may play with Portal Three Kingdoms cards or cards from the Planechase decks, but not with the special gold-bordered printings of the World Championship decks.

There are certain cards that you cannot play, these are the cards on the banned list. The cards are on this list for different reasons. Some of them are very expensive and don't fit with the spirit of peasant magic, others have proven to be too strong in the format, still others might be balanced, but not fun to play against.

Banned Cards
Bazaar of Baghdad
Brain Freeze
Cranial Plating (banned as of 07/11/2011)
Demonic Consultation (banned as of 14/11/2009)
Empty the Warrens (banned as of 07/03/2011)
Frantic Search (banned as of 29/06/2008)
Invigorate (banned as of 02/06/2011)
Jeweled Bird
Library of Alexandria
Mana Drain

Sol Ring (banned as of 29/06/2008)
Strip Mine (banned as of 29/06/2008)
Tendrils of Agony (banned as of 29/06/2008)
Thopter Foundry (banned as of 07/11/2011)

All silver-bordered commons and uncommons from the Un-sets (so far Unglued and Unhinged).

There are currently no cards on the watchlist.

Recently Unbanned
Skeletal Scrying (unbanned as of 01/02/2013)

Tournament Information
Since Wizards of the Coast doesn't support this format the tournaments are not sanctioned, but that doesn't make them any less competitive. Since the bannings in June 2008 the format has shown a healthy variety of decks drifting to the top tables and it is very popular with close to 20 people participating in each event. The tournaments are held on the fourth Friday of the month at De Purperen draak, Nieuwe Ebbingestraat 83, Groningen. The site opens its doors at 18:30 and the entry fee is usually € 5,-. The tournament starts at 19:00 o'clock. Click here to to check the latest tournament information and to sign up for one of our Peasant tournaments on our magicgroningen forum (a Dutch site). Click here to check the Peasant (and Budget and Commander) subsection of our forum, where, amongst other things, the Peasant League standings are kept up to date.

As mentioned the rules presented here are the house rules we use in Groningen. In France, for example, most peasant tournaments use Crystal Keep to determine rarity, rather than Gatherer. Also, banned lists tend to vary from place to place, depending on which cards have been troublesome in the metagame.

Q: One of the four Mishra's Factory printings in Antiquities was printed at C1, shouldn't it be allowed as a common?
A: No. We use Gatherer to determine the rarity of cards, which shows three of the Antiquities printings at rare, and one at uncommon. Therefore, we treat Mishra's Factory as an uncommon.

Q: I have four Hurricanes from 10th edition, can I play them even though they're rares?
A: Yes. The lowest rarity of the card counts. According to Gatherer Hurricane has been printed at uncommon, so even though your copies of the card are rare, you are allowed to play them.

Q: Can I play Soul Snare from the Commander decks?
A: Yes. Soul Snare has a black border and is an uncommon according to Gatherer, so you are free to play it, even though it is from a special set.

Q: Can I play Exile? The card has only been printed as a rare in Alliances an Sixth Edition.
A: Yes. Exile is a common according to Gatherer. It doesn't matter that it was only printed as a common in an online-only set.

Q: I acquired a promo card, can I play it?
A: Check gatherer. The Kor Firewalker DCI promo has a gold expansion symbol, but is an uncommon according to gatherer, so you are allowed to play it as an uncommon. Nalathni Dragon has only been printed as a promo and has a special rarity according to Gatherer. Special is not the same as common or uncommon, so Nalathni Dragon is not allowed.

Q: Can I play the basic lands from Unglued?
A: Yes. Only the silver-bordered commons and uncommons from the Un-sets are banned, and the basic lands have a black border.

Q: I have a Rancor with a gold border, can I play it?
A: No. Only cards with a white or black border are allowed, so even though Rancor is allowed because it's a common in Urza's Legacy, your copy of the card is not allowed and you'll have to find a black-bordered copy to play with.