Aug 14, 2012

No more radio silence! Peasant lives!

Hello everyone! The rumours are true, this site has been taken over by new writers. First of all: Hennink thank you for all this time maintaining this blog! We will try and make it shine as in the old days!

So new writers eh? Who are we? We are two avid Peasant players and have been from the start of Peasant in Groningen: Siebe van der Veer and Johan Rots. We will be successing Martijn Hennink and Maarten Jacobs as organizers of the Peasant magic competition in Groningen.

Why us? We saw the numbers of players attending Peasant tournaments declining and this got us worried. Now as we see ourselves among the more passionate Peasant players, we felt the need to step up and try to take care of that which we cherish. After deliberation with Maarten, we jointly decided to let the two of us give it a go.

What can you expect? We intend to update this blog regularly, with tournament results, decklists and the occasional food for thought concerning Peasant magic. With this we will try to bring you a reliable platform for this format.

Additionally, we left four Peasant decks at our local FNM store, De Purperen Draak. With these decks, available for everyone interested, we would like to attract new(er) Peasant magic players. These decks have a sideboard, so can also be used at tournaments. The decks are proactive, fun to play but still competitive. You can choose from a Green Red aggro deck with monsters and burn, a monoblack aggro control deck with discard and evasion, a Blue Red deck based on Burning Vengeance with graveyard utility and a White soldiers deck.

So if you get the chance go check them out at De Purperen Draak.

Hope to see you soon at a Peasant tournament or on this blog!

Siebe and Johan (Schepijs and Jester on the Magic in Groningen forum)